Perubahan Iklim Bumi Adalah Sangat Normal.

Perubahan iklim bumi sgt2 biasa bg bumi yg telah berusia 4.543 billion tahun... Ia bukan sesuatu yg pelik.... Manusia pelik sbb ia blaku dlm hayat mereka tanpa melihat sejarah silam lampau...

1. Kita berada dalam zaman yang dinamakan sebagai zaman Kuaternari yang bermula sejak 2.5 juta tahun lampau. Zaman ini juga dinamakan sebagai Zaman Ais di mana terdapat 2 tempoh utama iaitu Tempoh Glasier yang berlangsung selama 80,000-90,000 tahun dan zaman Interglasier yang berlangsung sekitar 10,000-15,000 tahun.
2. Bumi telah berselang seli mengalami tempoh-tempoh tersebut. Bumi sekarang berada dalam tempoh Interglasier ayau dikenali sebagai Interglasier Holosen di mana fasa tempoh terakhir Glasier adalah pada 11,700 tahun lampau. Bermakna jika mengikut kitaran, bumi mempunyai 3,000-4,000 tahun lagi atau bila-bila masa sahaja sebelum mengalami tempoh glasier (penyejukkan bumi).
3. Tempoh Interglasier terakhir adalah bermula sekitar 150,000 dan tamat sekitar 115,000 tahun dahulu atau lebih dikenali sebagai Eamian. Cuaca dan iklimnya sama seperti tempoh Interglasier yang sedang bumi lalui kini. Cuma sudah terdapat tanda-tanda iklim bumi sudah terarah kepada penyejukkan bumi.
4. Bukti arkeologi dan biomolekul menunjukkan bahawa manusia awal mula muncul di Afrika timur sekitar 120,000 tahun lampau. Mereka merantau hingga ke utara benua Afrika sekitar 100,000 tahun lampau dan telah menjelajah kawasan Mediterian pd 90,000 tahun lampau. Pada 50,000 tahun lampau, mereka telah menjelajah sehingga ke benua Australia dan China. (berdasarkan kajian sains shj).
Untuk bacaan lanjut cuaca dan Iklim bumi akan datang, lawat:

Sedikit catatan oleh Gary Geiser :
"This article argues that Europe in the Eemian interglacial period was principally shaped by megafauna, rather than by the climate or geography. Europe was mostly savannah, like the great nature reserves of Africa, a vast expanse of wilderness, populated by countless animals of all shapes and sizes.
Elephants and rhinos trampled the vegetation and opened up forest, and bison and horses grazed the meadows and grasslands, and deer and now extinct large wild cattle kept the shrubs and smaller trees in check. At the same time, a vast rainforest covered much of the Atlantic seaboard, maintained by the moisture brought in from the sea, making the forest far wetter than the temperate North American western forests along the seaboard today.
Colossal trees were covered by mosses and vines, while the soil was wet and soft, and covered by herbs and bushes. Other great forests existed where megafauna could not go, like the primordial woods still found in places such as Poland and Romania today.
Horses in numbers, like herds of zebra today, grazed the floodplains and grasslands; and bison and wild cattle shared their habitat. Bison preferred drier environments, and were hence local to the savanna and woodlands, while wild cattle could live in both dry and wet conditions. Water buffalo and the Hippopotamus inhabited the waterways. When Trafalgar square was first being excavated, the workers found hundreds of Hippopotamus bones, indicating the animal's once great abundance.
Deer we associate today with Bambi were probably shy forest dwellers, while red deer would have formed large herds in the open grasslands and savannas. And there was a now extinct elk, larger than the Alaskan moose. There were also elephants and rhino. The Woolly mammoth only spread into Europe during the last glacial period, as the climate there came to resemble that of Siberia and Alaska.
In the Eemian period, the true European elephant was Elephas antiquus, sometimes also called the Straight-tusked elephant. Similar in size and shape to its close relative, the Asian elephant, it had proportionally longer legs, and more impressive tusks, but was otherwise almost identical in looks and ecology. They created temporary wetlands where they walked and slept, and cleared woodland by toppling trees and crushing bushes. In fact, trees and shrubs in modern day Europe display a heavy resilience to being bent and broken, an adaptation that African and Asian trees also show.
There were two species of rhino: Merck's rhinoceros and the Narrow-nosed rhinoceros. One was a specialized browser, the other a grazer. They were hunted to extinction about 40,000 years ago.
Regarding predators, there were lions, slightly larger than modern lions. The remains of lions have been found by the North Sea dating back 28,000 years. Other big cats were the leopard and the lynx. There was also the grey wolf, red fox, golden jackal, and spotted hyena. And there were two species of bear: the extant brown bear, and the extinct great bear (Ursus spelaeus), typically referred to as the "Cave bear". "

Omen Necrofis

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